Category: Family Histories
Category: Family Histories

“When to the sessions of sweet silent thought, I summon up remembrance of things past”
First of a two part narration of family history and childhood memories I start writing the memoirs of my childhood ...

A Dacca Childhood
My father, Pranab Guha Thakurta, was born on 19th March, 1926, in Dacca. I have kept to the earlier English ...

A Chittagong Childhood
The month of March, when a brief spring in Bengal blends into the first signs of summer, is always associated ...

Hermit and the Householder: Khirode Chandra Roy Chowdhury
Some years ago, I bought a plot of land in Prantik, a locality just beyond Tagore's Viswabharati University in Santiniketan, ...

Memories of Mama
Jan 21, 2016. It was an ordinary day in the office until I got a call from my sister in ...

Where do you come from?
On a recent trip to Bangladesh, she finally found the answer to the much asked question. Having been born and ...

Memory and Difficult Emotions: Notes of an Oral Historian
I first met Professor Pabitra Kumar Maitra on 2 April 2003. I had just started my interviews with Obaid Siddiqi, ...

Memories of the Matriarch
When I look back on my earliest memories of childhood, I always see my all-white sari clad, completely unadorned, hair ...

My Nima-A portrait in White
Whenever I think of my Grandma, the first thing that comes to mind is how beautiful she was -slim, without ...

Coming Home: Happiness, at last
The final episode in Susan's quest: Armed with Peter Stewart's name, I persisted with my search with the full support ...