Category: Family Histories

Category: Family Histories

The Legacy of my Swadeshi Grandparents

The Legacy of my Swadeshi Grandparents

Sometime around 5.30 am when the sun rises in winter in Guwahati Assam, that precious time in the morning when ...
An Unsung Hero -Debendra Chandra Dey

An Unsung Hero -Debendra Chandra Dey

Among the countless revolutionaries who participated in the struggle for Indian independence from British rule, many have become well known ...
My Jewish Legacy

My Jewish Legacy

I had always been struck by the large portrait of a man, that hung over my grandmother’s sitting room. I ...
‘Warm as the wind, soft as the kiss of snow’: Life with family and friends

‘Warm as the wind, soft as the kiss of snow’: Life with family and friends

In a two part story, Irina recounts her growing up in Moscow and travels to India I was born to ...
The Maharaja's English Connection

The Maharaja’s English Connection

My husband Neil C. Duncan’s maternal grandfather was Arthur Ramdin. Neil put together a brief biography of Arthur who clearly ...
A Granddaughter's tribute to the Artist, Sarada Ukil

A Granddaughter’s tribute to the Artist, Sarada Ukil

Sarada Charan Ukil, popularly known as Sarada Ukil, my maternal grandfather is something of a mythical figure to me. What ...
My Grandmother's Daughter

My Grandmother’s Daughter

My brother and I with Grandmother Till I was sent to a College Hostel in Darjeeling, I had never been ...
The Guhas of Brooking Street

The Guhas of Brooking Street

My great grandfather, Jatindramohan Guha  was the first in his village Qutubpur in the district of Faridpur in East Bengal ...
From Jersey, Channel Islands, to the African Continent

From Jersey, Channel Islands, to the African Continent

  My father Richard Durell married Edmée Gruchy in Jersey on 21 December in 1934. After marriage, Richard accepted a ...
Gold Rush

Gold Rush

There had never been such excitement in the house. It was a hard-working and unforgiving life on this small HumbersideIn ...