Category: Historical
Category: Historical

A Woman of Substance II
Continued from part 1 A Dream Come True Connecting with the past is surely an ongoing process, for an individual’s ...

A Woman of Substance
First of the two part memoirs of an extraordinary woman and mother Connecting with the Past On a cold January ...

Nostalgia and Happy Memories
The next few months were a turmoil and the saddest period of our lives. Baba had not been keeping too ...

“When to the sessions of sweet silent thought, I summon up remembrance of things past”
First of a two part narration of family history and childhood memories I start writing the memoirs of my childhood ...

A Dacca Childhood
My father, Pranab Guha Thakurta, was born on 19th March, 1926, in Dacca. I have kept to the earlier English ...

A Chittagong Childhood
The month of March, when a brief spring in Bengal blends into the first signs of summer, is always associated ...

Old Wisdom Dies Hard
One day our friend Tatyana who arranges guided tours in Moscow called us to ask if we would be interested ...

Hermit and the Householder: Khirode Chandra Roy Chowdhury
Some years ago, I bought a plot of land in Prantik, a locality just beyond Tagore's Viswabharati University in Santiniketan, ...

Memories of Mama
Jan 21, 2016. It was an ordinary day in the office until I got a call from my sister in ...

Where do you come from?
On a recent trip to Bangladesh, she finally found the answer to the much asked question. Having been born and ...