Category: Historical
Category: Historical

Gandhi’s Children
An image of my parents -in-law that’s never ceased to inspire me - a picture of Sharad Pandya who was ...

Memory and Difficult Emotions: Notes of an Oral Historian
I first met Professor Pabitra Kumar Maitra on 2 April 2003. I had just started my interviews with Obaid Siddiqi, ...

Memories of the Matriarch
When I look back on my earliest memories of childhood, I always see my all-white sari clad, completely unadorned, hair ...

India, Torn (II) : A witness to history in the making
Continued from part I ...... Dad had been hearing about partition for quite some time. Finally it came to be ...

My Nima-A portrait in White
Whenever I think of my Grandma, the first thing that comes to mind is how beautiful she was -slim, without ...

The Voyage
I joined the Indian Navy in 1949 after graduating from Presidency College. It was still the Royal Indian Navy. Cochin ...

Coming Home: Happiness, at last
The final episode in Susan's quest: Armed with Peter Stewart's name, I persisted with my search with the full support ...

Coming Home: Love and Longings
Nine years after the birth of her firstborn child, Elizabeth Edwards married a lovely, well-to-do Englishman. They had met while ...

Coming Home: Dreams and Heartbreaks
The year was 1964 and Rock and Roll was in full swing around the globe. Three young people in the ...