Category: Historical
Category: Historical

A joyous day and some poignant memories
9th May, the Victory Day, is celebrated on a grand scale in Russia. The document ending the Second World War, ...

The Life and Times of Vassily K
Sergei K. in conversation with Tapti Roy Thinking about the life and destiny of my dear Grandfather Vassily, I have ...

Freedom, Food and the Tragedy of Deaths
I came to live in Coochbehar with my parents- in- law after I was married. Coochbehar, 700 kilometres north of ...

Ghosts in the House
Whenever I am haunted by memories of the past, our house in JabalpurA city in the central Indian province of ...

Knights by the Table
I do say that it is in my blood to run the Knight’s Fish & Chips Restaurant in Glastonbury. I ...

Palace to Partition: My Mother’s Tale
I was travelling to Bangladesh for the first time in 2017. I told my mother that I was going for ...

Ruby and the Memsahibs
I was travelling by car from Jamshedpur to DurgapurDurgapur in the state of West Bengal is 180 kilometres north of ...

To Ma, with Love
My mother, Swarna Kumari (Beena) Roy Choudhury was the daughter of Professor Rajanikanta Guha, a well-known academic in Bengal, who ...

On the Wings of Dreams – My years of growing up
In a two part story, June recollects her childhood, her adulthood and the adventures of travel It was Sunday morning ...

The Legacy of my Swadeshi Grandparents
Sometime around 5.30 am when the sun rises in winter in Guwahati Assam, that precious time in the morning when ...