
We invite you to browse through the profile of the authors who have posted on this site. We thank them for their hard work. 

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Sudeep Roy is a retired bureaucrat. He is now a public speaker and lives in Kolkata.

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Sumita Sen divides her time between New Delhi and Kolkata.

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Supriya Roy retired as a teacher and continues to be an avid reader. She is now a freelance writer and lives in Kolkata.

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Suprobhat Bhattacharya was the Headmistress of Aryakanya Pathshala school in New Delhi between 1938-39. She taught in Lady Irwin High School, New Delhi between 1941 and 1943.

She authored several books including translations into Bengali of Shivaji Sawant’s “Mrityunjaya,” Pratibha Ray’s “Yajnaseni”, Acharya Chatursen’s “Vayam Rakshamah” and Chitra Chaturvedi’s “Tanaya”. She translated into Hindi Subodh Ghosh’s “Kimbodontir Deshe”.

She passed away in 2011

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Susmita Basu Fernandes is an entrepreneur who lives in Dubai.

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Suzy Best is an entrepreneur who lives in Sydney.


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Svitlana is an HR professional who is from Kyiv and has now come to live in Cambourne, Cambridge. 

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Swarupa Dutt is a senior journalist. She lives in Mumbai.

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Tapati Guha-Thakurta, Professor of History, was the former Director of the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. She lives in Kolkata.