We invite you to browse through the profile of the authors who have posted on this site. We thank them for their hard work.
Paula Brown lives in Cambourne, Cambridge, UK.
From Kolkata to Leeds, Mumbai to London, Pune to currently in Auckland, Dr Paula Ray has dabbled with writing - both academic and journalistic. She considers herself a zingare (Italian for a ‘gypsy woman’), with a global palate for creativity.
Pauline Clarke lives in Cambourne.
Payal Singh Mohanka is a journalist and writer based in Kolkata.
Dr. Pradip Bhattacharya, a retired member of the Indian Civil Service, is a well known author and an authority on Mahabharata. He lives in Kolkata.
Pragati Tipnis is an engineer who teaches yoga and writes. She lives in Moscow.
Prajna Sen lives in Kolkata. She travels widely and is a freelancer writer.
Prof. Satya Chaitanya is an educator and corporate trainer with over 30 years of experience and has given training sessions to IAS, IPS, IFS and IRS officers, scientists, corporate executives, businessmen, doctors, engineers, college professors, school teachers, and entrepreneurs.
More than three hundred of his articles and papers are available online, on such subjects as spirituality, epics, mythology, Bhagavad Gita, Zen, women, leadership, management, education and so on.
Prof. Chaitanya lives in Jamshedpur in the eastern province of Jharkand, India.